Once, when I was just about to begin my academic studies at Tel Aviv University, I dreamed of being accepted to the drama department. The "audition" I gave, an excerpt from Antigone , was really embarrassing! Yet I was offended that I hadn't been accepted, quite amazed that others had been accepted and decided to abandon forever the coveted profession ...

Following the "Salute to Abraham Shlonsky" Evening- which I produced for Nigun Halev's Congregation, Tzippy Ben Zion wrote the following to me:
" Iditush, last night when I got back home, I wanted to write you a whole book... Particularly since my soul was so elated and awake that I couldn't waste time on sleep. As usual, the work you do everywhere is breath-taking, intelligent and full of nuance. This particular evening, rich in quality and declaring pure simplicity (simplicity of the type we're always trying to learn, and which you pull off so successfully), turned the entire audience that came to celebrate Shlonsky's life with you into a very happy group.

A huge "thank you" for the invitation and for giving me such a wonderful gift for my Shavuot holiday basket.
All the way home I had to respond to the astonished Tel Yosef members' questions... and tell them how proud I am to know you. And congratulations to the Nigun Halev Congregation that so enriches our lives. And also... up until the last moment I couldn't find "someone to run with", and was afraid that I and five other people would taste this magic if I should come anyway... and eventually I met a lot of friends there, all as excited as I was, who wanted me to notify them whenever I know of one of these evenings (including the Tel Yosef bunch who had never heard of Nigun Halev congregation because everything reaches Tel Yosef at the speed of a horse and carriage...).
I looked around and was happy for each and every one of the people there, and I counted very few empty seats. Bravo, Idit! Happy holiday, full of cheese, wine and olive branches."