women's content encounters

The encounters offer a Friday morning full of content, art and personal stories. They take place once a month at the Ein Harod Museum of Art. 

The unique connection between different women and speakers from around the country and from various fields of interest, along with being exposed to films in general and female students' films in particular, tours and guided visits through the exhibitions along with fine hospitality  create  the     right mix. 
Ever since International Women's Day in 2006, we have been meeting, having fun together and expanding our horizons. Our circle keeps growing and is open to additional women. The  Blossoming meetings offer a Friday morning filled with contents, art and personal stories. They take place once a month at the Ein Harod Sharon Geva, PHDMuseum of Art.

 encounters are all about empowering women. When you want to boost your studies you create a study group, when you want to cope with situations you set up a support group, when you want to empower women you establish a women's group. This group enables a high level of openness and exposure to guest speakers; the films touch the same raw nerves and the questions are open, honest and without barriers, and so are the answers.

In a group of women, questions may remain unanswered; we can shed a tear or two, laugh a kind of liberating laughter and share a meaningful personal experience with others in a spontaneous, unplanned way. There are many places we attend with our boyfriends, partners or lovers... but the Blossoming morning we attend alone or with our girlfriends. This is a morning about women, with women, and for women - only women.  

Glia Baror, In the spring of 2003 I returned to Israel. At first I found myself working in a Tel Aviv art gallery. I later enrolled in the Sadnat Hakibbutz Art Curators' course, and from there my path led me to attend open lectures at the Oranim Art Institute. That's where I first met Galia Bar Or, manager and chief curator of the Ein Harod Museum of Art. After being invited to explore the possibility of establishing a unique museum gift shop and after meeting the museum staff, Galia welcomed me to initiate cultural activities of any and all kinds at the museum.  

Peter Morgan Kash writes the following in his book "The CEO and the Revolving Door": "The ability to cause the net of life to work in your favor depends on your openness towards the possibilities that coincidence brings." [Pg. 33]   I did not have an immediate response to Galia's generous offer, but I knew a large door had been opened up to me here and I had to find the right way to go inside.

Galia Bar Or, Idit Segev
In order to ensure I had an audience, I invited all my female relatives and friends to the first Blossoming meeting, and asked my Tel Aviv friend, Orly Feldheim, to mediate it... Since then I have taken full responsibility for mediating as well as for the content. Galia always retains a measure of proximity that gives me a sense of security and confidence; she guides the groups through exhibitions, opens the mornings and supports me at low moments.

Galia Bar Or is my mentor, one of the women who have influenced my life by a small gesture of generosity and openness. The Ein Harod Museum of Art is her life project and I am delighted to be a part of what happens in it.
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